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The Farm Rescue Foundation will always measure its success by the families it has assisted and the rural communities that are strengthened because independent farm families are able to flourish on the land.

By supporting the historic American farm practice of “barn-raising,” in which people selflessly and wholeheartedly lend a helping hand in times of unexpected crisis, the Farm Rescue Foundation provides assistance to farm families during their time of need.

"Helping Farm Families RECOVER From Crisis" - The Farm Rescue Foundation provides assistance to farmers and ranchers stricken by an unexpected major injury, illness or natural disaster. Our board of directors reviews all requests for assistance and approves cases based on each unique situation and available funding / volunteer manpower.

As a nonprofit organization whose operations rely solely on donations and volunteers, the Farm Rescue Foundation can only continue to provide hope and help to family farmers and ranchers in crisis as long as it continues to receive support from donors, who generously contribute money, securities and property to the Farm Rescue Foundation.

If you believe in the fundamental American ideal of honest hard work that is farming and ranching, and the goal of helping families continue to raise their children on the land with wholesome values we all cherish, please consider the many giving options which support the Farm Rescue Foundation.

These options are explained in more detail under the “Giving Options” portion of this site. All of the giving options listed include some form of tax deduction or income credit, which will benefit you in addition to helping farm and ranch families in crisis. Even in death, you can leave a legacy behind, which will help many future generations of family farmers and ranchers.

Your gift to the Farm Rescue Foundation could make all the difference to an American farm family facing a crisis right now.

Please view our "Helping Hands Program" to see the difference you can make!

Dusty Weistroffer and his wife own and operate a small beef cattle operation in northern Minnesota. As a quadriplegic for more than 25 years, he dealt with his share of difficulties in carrying out his required ranch work. Thankfully, Dusty's nephew was able to assist him with many tasks, including lifting him into the tractor. When his nephew moved on to pursue a career of his own, Dusty looked into purchasing a motorized tractor lift to allow further independence in his work. When he saw the substantial cost of purchasing such a lift, a healthcare worker referred him to the Farm Rescue Foundation. Our organization was honored to cover half the cost of Dusty's tractor lift and keep him doing the job that he loves. We were also blessed to receive the following video in appreciation of the support he received from the Farm Rescue Foundation:

Thank you, Otter Tail Lakes Country Association, for helping promote our mission!


FARM RESCUE SPONSOR - North Star Community Credit Union




Farm Rescue 2023 - Bloomfield, MT